Easy Tips To Maintain Your Eye Health

Easy Tips To Maintain Your Eye Health

Our eyesight is easy to take for granted—until something goes wrong with it. That’s why making the right choices in life now can mean much more to our future vision than we might ever suspect. When it comes to our eyes, our overall health and lifestyle can have a...
Why Does My Eye Prescription Change?

Why Does My Eye Prescription Change?

Change is constant. Landlines are disappearing, nobody does the Macarena anymore, and eventually cars might all drive themselves around. And then there are bodies. Our shoe sizes change. Our belt sizes (can) change. And, in many cases, our eye prescriptions are prone...
Keeping Clear Eyes While Winter Driving

Keeping Clear Eyes While Winter Driving

You should naturally pay close attention to the road any time of season you are driving, but winter has ways of testing your driving skills in “hard mode.” Black ice, drifting snow, and other drivers fishtailing in front of you are just a few of the extra “features”...