Need to Use Up Your Flex Account? Start Now
Fall is the time to start thinking about preparing for the new year—not necessarily for your resolutions, but for your Flexible Spending Account (FSA) or your Health Savings Account (HSA), making sure none of your money goes to waste. Getting regular eye checks is an important part of regular health, particularly if you need glasses or contacts. This is where your FSA or HSA can come in handy, helping you cover the cost of new eyewear. However, in order to take advantage of those programs, you have to have your appointment before the end of the year. Since appointments fill up fast, now is the time to schedule your eye exam.
FSAs and HSAs are great ways to help take care of your health care costs, using pre-tax money to pay for particular medical services when you have a high insurance deductible. The money is set aside directly into a special account for you to pull from when you need it for things like glasses and contacts. Unfortunately, programs like FSAs have time limits—you have to use all the money by the end of a calendar year, or you lose it.
Often this means lots of people are rushing to fit their eye appointments in before December 31, so they can use their Flexible Spending Account money for glasses, contacts, and some medication prescriptions. Because complete eye exam appointments fill up so quickly here at Sight Eye Clinic, waiting until the middle of December to try to schedule that appointment before the New Year can be a problem. Often there simply aren’t open appointments.
That’s why now is the time to schedule a complete eye exam and put your FSA or HSA money to good use. You don’t want to lose any of the money you have already invested in your health. If you know you’ll need more contacts or new glasses, don’t wait until the already busy holiday season to take care of that. Schedule your appointment with Sight Eye Clinic now so you don’t have to worry later. That way when the New Year rolls around, you can be sure your eyes—and your eye needs—are taken care of, without any wasted money. Call (616) 772-2020 today to request an appointment at our Zeeland, MI, office or to ask for more information.